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Does Your Store Need A Standby Power Generator?

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If you run a small grocery store or market in your neighborhood, you may worry about the power going out when you need it the most. Power outages of any size can wreak havoc on fresh produce, meat, and dairy products. If you don't have a standby power generator in your store, you could potentially lose all of your goods. Learn more about standby power generators and why your store needs one below.

What Does a Standby Power Generator Do?

A standby power generator, or backup generator, is a piece of equipment that uses fuel, such as propane or natural gas, to create energy or power on demand. The generator activates once the electrical power goes out in a building, such as in a home or in a store. The generator supplies energy to computers, appliances, and even electronic cash registers until the city returns electrical power to the community.

The size or type of generator you need to use generally depends on the size of your building or the area in need of power. For example, small generators, or portable generators, provide power to small areas of a building. Large generators, or whole-building generators, can produce and maintain enough energy to power up entire buildings.

If you want to protect your store's goods during power outages, purchase or order your standby generator today. 

How Do You Obtain a Generator for Your Store?

While it's possible for you to obtain a generator from your local retailer, you want to order your equipment from an online supplier instead. An online supplier offers a wide range of generators for you to select for your store. Many suppliers also provide access to the fuel customers need for their generators.

Before you contact a retailer, obtain the measurements of your store. The measurements can assist a supplier in providing a generator that covers everything you need, including your food storage units and freezers. If you keep items in an area outside the store, such as in an accessory walk-in freezer, be sure to inform a supplier about it. You may need to use a portable generator for the location.

After you submit the information above to a supplier, they'll select a generator for you. A supplier will ship or deliver the equipment to your store. A supplier will also help you set up the generator after it arrives. 

Learn more about standby generators by contacting a supplier. 
